Penshurst RSL Kookaburras JRLFC
powered by TidyHQNSW Rugby League Weight For Age Guidelines
NSW Rugby League Weight For Age Guidelines
Community Rugby League Weight Dispensation Guidelines
Players may apply for dispensation to participate in an age group one (1) year below that of their
‘natural’ age (the age that they turn/become in the current calendar year). This will be approved for
players who are judged to be within the required Weight Limit as listed below.
Any participant who is granted dispensation to play down in a lower age group is NOT permitted to
participate in their natural age group in the same season.
The Community Rugby League Weight and Age Guidelines apply to tackle competitions only.
Lower Weight limit based on approximately the 15th percentile of males in the general population.
• U6: N/A
• U7: players 21kg or under may play U6
• U8: players 23kg or under may play U7
• U9: players 26kg or under may play U8
• U10: players 29kg or under may play U9
• U11: players 33kg or under may play U10
• U12: players 37kg or under may play U11
• U13: players 42kg or under may play U12
• U14: players 48kg or under may play U13
• U15: players 53kg or under may play U14
• U16: players 55kg or under may play U15
• U17: players 58kg or under may play U16
• U18: players 60kg or under may play U17
• Players turning 19 in the current year and 62kg or under may play U18
Female Competitions
For mixed competitions and female only competitions in the U6 – U12 age group, the above guidelines
are available for use. For female only competitions U14 – U18 the following Weight Dispensation limits
will apply:
• U14 – Players turning 13 in the current year and;
o 38kg or under may play in U12 female only competitions
o 42kg or under may play in U12 mixed competitions
• U16 – Players turning 15 in the current year and 44kg or under may play U14
• U18 – Players turning 17 in the current year and 48kg or under may play U16
• Players turning 19 in the current year and 51kg or under may play U18
These guidelines are approved for use within NSWRL affiliated competitions for the season in which
the dispensation has been approved. That is, any approval is for one season only. Local League
Administrators may use discretion when approving or denying dispensations based on participants
previous playing record.
Players wishing to play down an age group
These players must make application to the League to be considered for eligibility for the age group
below. In this instance a NSWRL appointed official would weigh the players concerned and if eligible
mark these players’ records as being eligible for the age group requested. Once weighed and verified,
the player will not be required to be weighed for the remainder of the season.
Development and Junior Representative Players
Any participant that is considered a Junior Representative player as per the NSWRL Player Transfer
Policy is ineligible to apply for dispensation under the Weight and Age guidelines.
Any participant that is considered a District / Regional Development player may be refused
dispensation under the Weight and Age guidelines at the sole discretion of the local League
Final Approval
All applications are subject to final approval by NSWRL and may be reviewed at any point during a
competition season. That is, a player approved to play down an age group may have their approval
removed to protect the integrity of age based competitions.